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The Dream Fund offers £3.5m for charities to collaborate on projects

Launch of 2022 Dream Fund
Eli, a previous beneficiary via Whizz Kids of the Dream Fund, features in the launch of this year’s Fund launch.

The People’s Postcode Lottery is inviting charities and community groups across Britain to apply to its £3.5 million Dream Fund to help them bring their ‘dream project’ to life.

In particular the funding is designed to encourage collaboration between organisations.

Launching today, the Dream Fund encourages collaboration between charities and good causes by bringing them together to apply for funding for their dream project.


The funding, with a top award of £1.25 million, will be distributed over three years, starting in 2022.

Which projects will benefit?

The Dream Fund is encouraging applications from projects which seek :to develop innovative solutions and deliver systematic change in:

Laura Chow, Head of Charities at People’s Postcode Lottery, said:

“This announcement marks the start of an exciting process which will see £3.5 million raised by our players awarded to truly inspirational projects.

“The Dream Fund has made a remarkable difference to so many projects over the last nine years, and I have no doubt that we’ll see many more bold and courageous ideas submitted this year.”

About the Dream Fund

Past recipients of The Dream Fund

To date the annual Dream Fund has already awarded more than £16 million in funding to 32 projects across Britain, with previous winners including Wheels of Change, a joint project between Whizz Kids, Duchenne UK and The University of Edinburgh.

The Wheels of Change project saw the development of a wheelchair for disabled children that is technologically impressive, modular, and affordable.

Malcolm Tyndall, Director or Strategy and Innovation at Whizz-Kidz said: 

Eli tests out the new wheelchair with Wheels of Change project manager Frank Robertson. Photo: Whizz Kids
Eli tests out the new wheelchair with Wheels of Change project manager Frank Robertson. Photo: Whizz Kids

How the People’s Postcode Lottery works

People’s Postcode Lottery manages lotteries on behalf of 20 Postcode Trusts. People play with their chosen postcodes for a chance to win cash prizes. A minimum of 33% from each subscription goes directly to charities and good causes in Britain and internationally. Players have raised more than £750 million so far.

It costs £10 a month to play and winning postcodes are announced every day. The maximum amount a single ticket can win is 10% of the draw proceeds. 

How to apply to The Dream Fund

Applications to the Dream Fund can be made from Friday 1 October until Monday 1 November 2021.

Winners will be announced in March 2022. 

