Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Invisible Grantmakers 2020 published

Melanie May | 1 July 2020 | News

Invisible grantmakers 2020Social Partnership Marketing has published the latest annual edition of its Invisible Grantmakers series.
The series identifies and profiles significant grant-making trusts that have escaped inclusion in the most widely-used trust directories and therefore remain ‘invisible’ to the majority of fundraisers.
Compiled primarily as an aid to charities and fundraisers that are already actively raising grants from trusts and foundations, Invisible Grantmakers 2020 details 100 trusts, with a collective income of over £80 million per annum, that are distributing funds to a wide range of charitable causes.
The trusts are both new and well established and have an average age of 17 years, with none featuring before in earlier editions. Altogether, they have an income of over £80m, and collectively distributed over £12m in grants last year.
Each entry in Invisible Grantmakers outlines the trust’s giving preferences, with reference to past grants and stated giving criteria. The latest income, assets and grant figures are also reported, together with trustee names and full contact details. High net worth trustees are identified too, as are trustee links to other charities.
Editor Robert Pike said:

“As all trust fundraisers will know, the Charity Commission register of charities is a great information resource, but it doesn’t yield up all its secrets readily. It’s fine for checking on yesterday’s new registrations, or charities in the top income bands, but for keeping tabs on older trusts that suddenly receive a large bequest, or on grantmakers that may have been misleadingly coded, it seems there is no alternative to persistent and repeated monitoring of trusts on an item by item basis. For over twenty years we have been ferreting out nuggets of information in this way and squirrelling them away in our reports: this nod to the natural world has seemed especially appropriate during the quiet of lockdown!”

The limited edition report is available as a PDF (£125) or as a hard copy (£132).


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.


