Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

New Year’s Honours 2017 for donors and charity staff

2017 illuminated by sparkers - photo: Pexels
Happy 2017!

In total 1,123 people have received an award in the 2017 Queen’s New Year’s Honours List.

Of these, 981 candidates have been selected at BEM, MBE and OBE level: 318 at BEM, 452 at MBE and 211 at OBE.

70% of the recipients are people who have undertaken outstanding work in their communities either in a voluntary or paid capacity 551 women are recognised in the List, representing 49% of the total


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

9.2% of the successful candidates come from a BAME background

5% of the successful candidates consider themselves to have a disability (under the Equality Act 2010)

More on honours for good work


