Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Traidcraft Exchange seeks charities to include in 2021 Injustice Advent Calendar

Melanie May | 31 August 2021 | News

Traidcraft Exchange Injustice Advent Calendar

In the run-up to Christmas, Traidcraft Exchange is inviting other charities to provide actions to include in its Injustice Advent Calendar.

The calendar gives the public a chance to make the world better every day in December in the lead up to Christmas Day, through actions that are both free, and quick and easy to do. Last year 18 organisations promoted their actions through the calendar.

Traidcraft Exchange is looking for 24 actions that do three things:


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

1. Make the world a better place

2. Are free for supporters to take part in (e.g. no donation ask)

3. Take less than 5 minutes to complete

The actions will be sent one each day during advent, to the advent calendar email list. Traidcraft Exchange currently has 8,000 people on the Injustice Advent Calendar email list, and expects to add thousands more once participating organisations start sharing the calendar through their channels. This means that each day, thousands of people will be looking at the calendar and taking action.

As well as an audience, each participating charity gets a link and logo on the Injustice Advent Calendar landing page.

There is no cost to participate, with Traidcraft Exchange just asking organisations to commit to at least one cross-platform social media share and one prominent feature in an email to a significant proportion of their list, with promotions to take place in the week 08 – 14 November.

The deadline for applications is 3 October.

