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Giving Tuesday returns on 28 November

The fourth annual Giving Tuesday will take place this year on Tuesday 28 November. The event, marked in a growing number of countries, promotes giving money, time or thanks for charities.

This year’s campaign, promoted by Charities Aid Foundation, was launched in London at the offices of Royal Bank of Scotland, one of the campaign’s original corporate supporters.

CAF’s CEO Sir John Low, recently knighted in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List, described the day, now marked in 98 countries around the world, as the day for “doing good stuff”.


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Panel at launch of Giving Tuesday 2017 in London
(l-r) Kirsty Britz – Director of Sustainable Banking, RBS; Dr Sam Godfrey, Science Communications Manager, Cancer Research UK; Kait Sheridan, Global Campaign Lead, #givingtuesday; John Low – Chief Executive, Charities Aid Foundation

He said that 4.5 million people had taken part in Giving Tuesday, and that a third of these said that their experience had resulted in them planning to do something more for charity.

Giving Tuesday goes global
Giving Tuesday goes global

Kirsty Britz, Director of Sustainable Banking at RBS, said that Giving Tuesday had boosted monthly giving via its reward current account by 269% to £43,097.

Watch John Low announce Giving Tuesday 2017

John Low launches #GivingTuesday 2017 | UK Fundraising


Watch Kirsty Britz at Giving Tuesday launch

Kirsty Britz of RBS at launch of #GivingTuesday 2017


Watch Kait Sheridan at Giving Tuesday launch

Kait Sheridan on #GivingTuesday around the world

More Giving Tuesday fundraising news

