How to generate income from selling Kindle books as an Amazon Associate
You might have spotted that Kindle ebooks are now outselling hardback books by two to one at Kindle itself is the bestselling product on the site.
So, given its popularity, now is the time to make sure your charity is trying to make the most of its Amazon Associate partnership by explicitly linking to relevant Kindle books from your website. You have tried Amazon Associates I assume? If not, you’ve probably not come on one of my training courses in the last 12 or 13 years where I’ve suggested this as an easy to implement method of generating income online.
If this is news to you, find out more about Amazon Associates now.
If you are already signed up, you’ll be pleased to know has created a dedicated Kindle section for Associates. This will let you create and customise banners, links and widgets to add to your site, all of them featuring your unique referral code. According to, “Earn up to 9% when [people] buy” from one of these links.
What can your charity earn income from in this element of the Associates programme? Kindle, Kindle books, newspapers, blogs, magazines and accessories.
To get started you can list the Kindle itself:
[Amazon affiliate imagery no longer available – November 2021]
Or , you can list a single product available on Kindle like this:
[Amazon affiliate imagery no longer available – November 2021]
which you could also present as a simple link:
[Amazon affiliate imagery no longer available – November 2021]
or just as an image:
Or you can choose a widget like this to present a range of titles:
or like this:
[Amazon affiliate imagery no longer available – November 2021]
Successful associates tend to list items that are directly relevant to their audience. So, search for books that are about your charity and the issues it deals with, check if they’re available on Kindle (the Associates page will let you search directly for Kindle titles) and try adding them to your site. pays monthly in arrears if you generate income over a certain modest amount.
- Amazon founders launches Bezos Earth Fund (18 February 2020)
- Amazon Alexa users can donate $40 to US charities by voice (9 April 2018)
- How much do UK charities receive from Amazon Smile? (29 June 2020)