The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Concern income down by €3 million

Development charity Concern Worldwide’s income in 2009 was down nearly €3 million on the previous year, according to its annual report. Total income for 2009 was €129,421,000 and €132,298,000 in 2008. Income would have been lower by €8.8 million in 2009 but for the disposal of a subsidiary organisation.
One of the biggest falls in income was in the area of voluntary fundraising which dropped from €53.6 million to €44.8 million. The value of donated goods increased but grants from government and trading activities both declined.
Within the voluntary income category, committed income held up at €23 million but legacy income declined from €4.5 million to €2.7 million, while corporates, major donors and trusts fell from €7.6 million to €4.2 million. Public appeals also fell to €14.3 million from €16.7 million.
Concern receives significant income from foreign governments and international organisations such as the UN and this source increased to €14.7 million from €11.2 million. Funding from the Irish government, however, fell from €26 million in 2008 to €20.8 million in 2009.
The charity reduced the cost of generating its income from €12.3 million to €11 million.
The above figures are derived from the consolidated accounts of Concern in Ireland and the UK. Income within the UK actually increased from €13.2 million to €14.5 million, due largely to increased government funding.

