Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

New date for 'Introduction to Fundraising' course in London

The London Region group of the Institute of Fundraising will be running another of its one-day “Introduction to Fundraising” courses for those new to fundraising.

The course consists of a series of inputs on various aspects of fundraising, and its organisers say that it “is intended more as an initial briefing rather than as an interactive programme”. Delegates will receive a certificate of attendance if they complete the day, and will be encouraged to move on to higher-level training where appropriate.

The event takes place on 15 February 2007 from 10.00 to 16.00 at the offices of the Institute of Fundraising in London.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

The fee for the day will be £45 and will include refreshments during the morning and afternoon and a sandwich lunch. Delegates working for a private sector organisation will be charged £70.

All bookings made after 2 February 2007 or amended after that date will all require payment in full whether delegates turn up or not.

To book your place please e-mail Andy Cawdell, the trainer and Vice Chair of the London Region committee, specifying which course you are booking for. Course fees are payable to the “Institute of Fundraising, London Region” and must be paid in advance.

