The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

More cost of living support & initiatives from around the UK

Melanie May | 25 October 2022 | News

A man looks into his empty wallet. By Nicola Barts on Pexels

Here are some opportunities and updates on support that is available for charities and other not-for-profits to help those impacted by the cost of living crisis.

London Warm Winter Welcome funding

Charities and voluntary organisations are being offered funds as part of a City of London Corporation campaign to offer ‘warm space’ events throughout the winter period.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Grants of up to £2,000 are available to pay for activities where people can come together and keep warm during the winter months.

The City Corporation’s Warm Winter Welcome campaign aims to create friendly and non-judgmental spaces where everyone is welcome.

The organisation is looking for applications from charities and voluntary organisations to hold events anywhere in the City of London and on the housing estates it runs across the capital. The money is available from its Stronger Communities Fund, which promotes community health and wellbeing initiatives.

Funding is available to new organisations or those that already hold a ‘Stronger Communities’ grant. This funding is in addition to the existing small grants programme.

If any organisation has additional questions they can email  gr****@ci**********.uk .

National Lottery Community Fund pledges flexibility during crisis

David Knott, Chief Executive of the National Lottery Community Fund has pledged to keep all of its funding open and available during the cost of living crisis, with all funding portfolios open for applications whether new or returning.

In a blog, Knott said that the Fund expects to commit over £75mn to support communities on cost-of-living through the next year, including commitments already made and extra flexibility in grant making.

Knott also said the Fund has made changes to allow greater variations and adjustments in grants underway to reflect cost of living pressures and in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland it will be open to organisations applying to be awarded an additional National Lottery Award for All grants this year – worth up to £20k in total. An update on availability in England is to follow.

Scarborough Warm Welcome Fund

Scarborough Borough Council has allocated £10,000 to support community-based organisations in providing community spaces where local residents can come to keep warm during the winter months.

Small grants of up to £300 are available, and not for profit organisations and Parish / Town Councils with their own organisation bank account are eligible to apply to the scheme. Requests from informal groups of residents will be considered if a recognised not for profit organisation is willing to hold funds on behalf of the project. Grants will be paid up front and can be used to cover costs such as:

‘Warm Welcome’ spaces must be open to all and either free of charge to access or at a significantly reduced cost if they are delivered in conjunction with structured activity.

Applications will be open until 31 December 2022 or until all £10,000 has been allocated and will be assessed on a first come first served basis.

Durham Keep Warm, Keep Well grants

Affordable housing provider believe housing has changed a £25,000 grants scheme, so the cash can go directly to projects addressing the rising cost of living. It is offering £500 per project towards:

Projects must be central Durham, east Durham and south-west Durham.

Essex Community Winter Warmth and Welcome Spaces Fund

Essex community groups and Parish and Town Councils can apply for grants of up to £1,000 from Essex County Council to provide warm spaces and activities this winter.

The Community Winter Warmth and Welcome Spaces Fund is a small local grants programme funded by Essex County Council and delivered on its behalf by the Essex Association of Local Councils.

The £100,000 fund will support the creation of new spaces and activities or existing ones.

Winter Warmth and Welcome Spaces must be warm, free to access to all, safe and supportive spaces that Essex residents can visit during the winter.

Projects should be delivered and all funds spent by 31 March 2023.

Chestertons launches annual coat drive

London estate agency Chestertons is once again turning its network of 31 offices across the capital into collection points to allow members of the public to donate their unwanted coats for its annual Coat Drive. In partnership with the ‘Calling London’ charity, the agency’s branches are aiming to collect 5,000 coats and jackets, which will all be distributed to vulnerable Londoners.

Chestertons has been championing this initiative for eight years and last year, 3,500 coats were collected. This year, the agency is aiming to collect even more adults and children’s coats and, for the first time, will also be accepting fleeces and gilets. Once the Coat Drive ends on 22 November, the donations will be taken to a sorting centre before being distributed to over 30 charities helping the homeless, victims of domestic abuse, those living in poverty, the elderly, refugees and children.

Chestertons is urging people to drop their unwanted winter items to any of its branches in London before 22nd November. Clean, warm coats, jackets and fleeces of all colours and sizes are required.  

A radiator thermostat turned to zero. By Vinzenz Lorenz M on Pixabay

Big Issue Invest offers Big Energy Saving Loans

Big Issue Invest is offering loans to charities and social enterprises struggling with rising energy costs.

In a bid to help businesses for social good find long-term solutions rather than a short-term fix, Big Issue Invest, the investment arm of the Big Issue Group, is now offering loans of up to £150,000 for organisations to install measures such as more efficient lights, insulation or heat pumps to keep costs down.

Big Energy Saving Loans are available for social enterprises and charities in England, ranging from £20,000 to £150,000 and can be also used for installing renewable energy equipment.

Additionally, permanent, money-saving improvements such as replacing old boilers, or replacing single-glazed windows can also be funded with the loans.

Social enterprises and charities will need to show a clear energy saving case, and an ability to repay the loan. More details on who access the loan programme can be found here.

