Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Help needed to revise Handling of Cash Donations code of practice

The Institute of Fundraising is planning to revise its Cash Donations Code of Fundraising Practice. It is therefore looking for individuals interested in becoming part of the code’s working party.
The Institute reviews its codes of fundraising practice to make sure that they remain robust and up-to-date, reflecting the practicalities of contemporary fundraising.
Applications to get involved should be sent to the Institute by 26 February 2010.
Members of the working party should have:
* experience of handling cash donations throughout a variety of situations, whether through public collections or at events, for example
* experience of working with volunteers
* knowledge of Institute of Fundraising Codes of Fundraising Practice
* the ability to think creatively and analytically about communicating sometimes complex messages about fundraising
* the ability to commit to the draft timetable above; and
* a commitment to ensuring a sustainable fundraising environment.
It is anticipated that the first working party meeting will take place in March 2010, with a draft Code being produced during the early autumn of 2010, and the Code’s publication taking place at the beginning of 2011.

