The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Five-part webinar series to address fundraising growth out of a crisis

While many charities are rightly focusing on fundraising for survival through the coronavirus lockdown and its impact, others are looking ahead to consider what actions they can take now to help them grow through and beyond the crisis.
This is the subject of a five-part webinar series this month from the teams at Philanthropy and Fundraising North America in cooperation with ACA Philanthropy & Fundraising in the UK.
Presented by Alan Clayton, the series will help charity CEOS and fundraising leaders refocus their energy on acting for the long term – not just reacting for the short term.
Growth out of a crisis - seminar slide
The five one-hour seminars are based on insights, academic and action research, and the lessons of fundraising through a crisis over the last 30 years.
The seminars will address issues such as:

Alan Clayton explains the need for this focus on growth at a time when many organisations might be lowering their sights.
“We have long known the behaviours which drive fundraising growth at any time.  It is now obvious that the COVID-19 crisis creates an opportunity to accelerate these behaviours.  We can also identify now that a different leadership style is required to optimise this acceleration.  This series identifies these behaviours and what organisational leadership and fundraising teams should do to achieve them.”
Find out more about the five one-day seminars from ACAPF.

SEE ALSO: Coronavirus: lessons for fundraisers from the past – includes video of Alan Clayton’s fundraising advice during the 2008/09 financial crisis


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.



