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New seminar series from Alan Clayton Associates to “unblock” organisations and help fundraising flourish”

Howard Lake | 16 June 2016 | News

Alan Clayton Associates has announced a new seminar series that aims to help charities unite and focus on fundraising, with inspired boards, chief executives and senior management teams.
The events are designed to help tackle “internal blockages”, which Clayton describes as “the greatest challenge of great fundraising”, with the aim of enabling them to grow their income significantly.
At the heart of the seminars is “the Inspiration Imperative”, Clayton’s assertion that “inspiration is not a luxury, but an absolute imperative”.
The new series begins with a three-hour shows held in London and Dublin in September and in Manchester and Edinburgh in December.
Clayton explained:

“Getting the whole organisation lined up behind fundraising is stage one of making great fundraising happen. The best leaders know that culture is everything. Inspiration, across the organisation, is what aligns the culture and allows colleagues to make the organisation more ‘fundraisable.’ The Inspiration Imperative shows fundraisers how to get the best out of the rest of the organisation so that fundraising can flourish.”

He added:


“Our research and experience show that boards need three things to press the button on a huge fundraising surge: trust in the investment plan, belief in the culture and the inspiration of a big idea. It all starts with the big idea. The process of finding the big idea, inspirationally, is what aligns the culture, creates the trust and opens minds to the investment plan.”

Participants will receive free resources designed to support the events and which are based on academic research, experience and real results using case studies from around the world.
Booking for the courses is now open at Alan Clayton Associates.


