Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

BT offers BT Tower dining experiences for charities to auction

Howard Lake | 5 September 2014 | Blogs

Did you know that charities can auction places at special events in the revolving restaurant at the top of the BT Tower in London? BT offers a limited number of places to charities at these occasional events on the 34th floor.
Charities can only apply if they are already registered on BT MyDonate, BT’s online giving platform. If they are, then they can apply for between two and 10 places at a BT Tower Dining Club.
Not surprisingly, BT reports that competition for the limited places is high.

BT Tower Dining Club

BT Tower Dining Club

The next events are 9 September and 25 November 2014. To secure this fundraising opportunity for an available future event, you need to tell BT why your charity should be chosen.
I was lucky enough to travel to the 34th floor on the BT Tower earlier this year to report on the sponsored abseil down the outside of the Tower in aid of the Royal Marines Charity and Comic Relief. The views across London are striking.
Top of BT Tower for Sport Relief abseil
Going up BT Tower
View from the top of BT Tower

