Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Win £5,000 of book tokens for a school library

Howard Lake | 6 May 2021 | News

Win £5000 of books from National Book Tokens

National Book Tokens’ annual prize draw has returned. Schools in the UK and Republic of Ireland can be nominated to win £5,000 or €5,000 worth of National Book Tokens.

Nominations can be made by school staff, parents/guardians and the wider community. There is no charge to make a nomination. Indeed, if your nomination is picked you yourself will receive £100 of National Book Tokens.

Young children reading - photo: National Book Tokens
Young children reading books

The competition is open from 5 May to Saturday 31 July 2021.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

For the purposes of the draw a school is defined as “any public sector or independent primary, middle or secondary school, special school, or pupil referral unit, in the UK or Republic of Ireland”.

National Book Tokens has created social media ads that can be downloaded and used to spread news of the competition amongst schools and their communities.

Win £5000 of books from National Book Tokens
Win book tokens for your school

The prize will also help support local bookshops, according to National Book Tokens.

Nominate a school today.

