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Shelter signs up with GivePenny for connecting giving

Howard Lake | 21 June 2018 | News

Homelessness advice and advocacy charity Shelter has signed up with digital fundraising platform GivePenny to make the most of its ‘connected giving’ services.
The platform links into numerous sports, activity and gaming apps and enables individuals and organisations to create sponsored events, challenges and livestreamed games to raise funds for their favourite charity.
Phoebe Trusselle, of Shelter’s Digital Fundraising, said: “Connected giving provides new ways to engage with our supporters, new ways that align with their fundraising behaviours. We are really looking forward to this partnership developing and providing new, interesting and innovative channels for our fundraisers.”
Other charities that have partnered with GivePenny recently include Winston’s Wish, Leukaemia Care (which ran its Fortnite for a Fortnight campaign), CF Warriors, St John Ambulance, and Veterans for Wildlife.

Fortnite for a Fortn14ht for Leukaemia Care

Leukaemia Care recently benefited from a two-week Fortnite fundraising campaign.

Lee Clark, GivePenny‘s founder and ‘Chief FunRaiser’ says of the tech-for-good startup: “We’re on a mission to develop new ways to inspire giving; by connecting the world’s favourite apps, wearable technology and websites to delightful fundraising experiences”.



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