Happy donor conference to be held in Belfast

The Northern Ireland Institute of Fundraising’s (IoF) conference this November will be on the theme of ‘Happy Donors Can Change the World.’

The IoF says that some of the best fundraising innovators locally will take part in the conference, together with those from England, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland.

The morning plenary on 9 November will be delivered by Thomas Muirhead, from Child.org who will present ideas for how charities can take steps to be more business-minded to raise more funds. In the afternoon the IoF will showcase winners of the NI Fundraising Awards of 2017.


There will be optional breakouts about working with boards, developing your career and managing talent. All aspects of the fundraising mix will be discussed, whether you raise funds from businesses, trusts, community groups or individuals in person or online.

Happy donors - theme of IoF NI Conference 2017
Happy donors – theme of IoF NI Conference 2017

Gary Kernahan, IOF Scottish Conf Chair will speak on the subject of ‘Maximising Relationship fundraising’ and developing community fundraising techniques for engaging supporters.

Eileen Mullan will discuss how to work better with boards while Bruce Tait will lead on managing millennials.
The IoF Northern Ireland conference will take place the Crowne Plaza (formerly Ramada) at Shawsbridge Belfast from 9am on 9 November. The cost for the conference ranges from £70 to £120, from early bird payment to non-members.

WATCH: Thomas Muirhead on beyond giving

Thomas Muirhead speaking at TEDxWarwick


