Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

9 ways to get people to drive social conversation about your charity

Howard Lake | 19 August 2015 | Blogs

We’re told to produce more content to get more people to find our organisation online and to interact with what we do. Organisations spend a lot of time and effort on ‘content marketing’ and promoting that content online.
This slide presentation from We Are Social suggests those approaches are looking at the solution from the wrong angle. Instead of driving more impressions, we should focus on making more of an impression. Simon Kemp argues that “success in social media is all about inspiring favourable conversations”.
So far that might sound familiar from plenty of social media seminars or conference sessions you have sat through.
But Kemp’s presentation (which he gave last month at AdtechASEAN) includes nine useful observations about how people are using social channels and how some successful brands are following that and adjusting their use of social media appropriately.
The examples are all commercial sector, but they can be applied to charities and campaign organisations.
The ideas cover:
• products (and how people share their experience of them e.g. photos of cups of coffee and food, unboxing videos of tech gadgets);
• adverts (expect people to use multiple screens when viewing your adverts – design your adverts to be shareable or to invite sharing)
• packaging (entertaining or informative packaging is eminently shareable – have you noticed how innocent’s quirky packaging messages get shared so much?)
• customer service (people love to share positive and exceptional customer service experiences)
There is more, and some are more relevant to charities than others.
But they all should give fundraisers pause for thought – this is how many people are using social media. How can you make effective use of these trends to support and enhance your fundraising?

We Are Social Presents The Social Marketing Mix from Kepios

If you want to jump to the idea examples then head to slide 30.
Thank you to Paul de Gregorio for spotting this slidedeck.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

