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Ladbrokes donates its staff uniforms for reuse

Howard Lake | 2 February 2013 | News

Betting shop company Ladbrokes has donated 7,500 of its new staff uniform shirts, following a rebranding, to be distributed to charities in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe.

Rather than dump the clothing, the company donated them via the East London Community Recycling Partnership (ELCRP). The charity will de-tag the shirts to remove logos and name badges and then distribute them. The shirts were collected from 540 Ladbrokes shops throughout East London and the South East. 

The not-for-profit ELCRP said that the project had also created employment opportunities, providing jobs to the long term unemployed and people with learning difficulties.


Ladbrokes has been working with ELCRP on other projects too. In Newham, 17 of its shops are trialling an ELCRP scheme which collects its waste food and paper/cardboard. Compost produced is used directly by the local community in gardens, parks and open spaces. Meanwhile, any profit from the organisation is reinvested or spent improving the local community.


