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OSCR – Meet the Scottish Charity Regulator on 6 October in Glasgow.

The Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) has announced details of its annual open meeting. It will be held at the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall on Tuesday 6 October, 2009, and will be opened with a keynote address from Fergus Ewing MSP, Minister for Community Safety. The OSCR will report to the sector on its work over the past year and its priorities for the future. There will be a session on OSCR’s major Integrated Reporting project, which aims to streamline reporting procedures and to enhance the information about charities made available to the public. Jane Ryder, OSCR Chief Executive, is due to speak on the Review of 2009 and Future Plans, and there is due to be a presentation form a charity trustee.

The agenda (subject to change), map with directions, and a form to apply for a place available from the OSCR website homepage, www.oscr.org.uk. Places are free, but they are limited to 200, so are expected to be taken up quickly.

If you are able to attend, you might want to suggest how the OSCR and/or its website can be more useful to fundraisers and prospect researchers. Where the address is listed as a home address, the correspondent name should be given. Where it is listed as a business address, the name of the business and the correspondent name should be given. It would be very helpful to include the names of trustees. It would probably be more expensive to include a copy of the latest charity accounts. However, if they baulk at such expense, they could probably negotiate with Guidestar UK to make the information available to them. It might be slightly cheaper that way.


I wonder if the Institute of Fundraising has any plans to make such suggestions to OSCR? It might be worth dropping them a line.

All the best

Finbar Cullen

