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Useless documents on the Charity Commission website

I was researching The Gosling Foundation recently, and went to the Charity Commission website for a copy of their latest accounts. Unfortunately, when I tried to read the accounts for 2009, I got the following message: The file is damaged and could not be repaired. Guidestar UK only has the accounts for 2008.
When I raised this with the Charity Commission, I was told that the Foundation had submitted these accounts via the Online Service, and therefore the Charity Commission does not hold a paper copy. It is a shame that they do not check before uploading . However, someone at the Charity Commission has now contacted the charity and asked them to submit another set.
The Gosling Foundation is a limited company, so I obtained a copy from Companies House online (for £1).
If OSCR – the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator doesn’t have the funds to make accounts available online, could they run a scheme similar to Companies House online, and charge a small fee for these documents? It would make researching Scottish charities easier, and cheaper than it currently is.

Finbar Cullen


An introduction to AI, for charity professionals, presented by Ross Angus.

