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National Awards ceremony highlights the best of UK fundraising

Individual fundraisers, volunteer fundraisers and fundraising departments alike were last night (Monday 7 July 2008) recognised for their outstanding achievements.

Hosted by Chris Hollins, the Institute of Fundraising (‘Institute’) National Awards were presented by a selection of the most influential and well-respected fundraisers and figureheads from across the sector to an audience of more than 750 people.

· Lifetime Contribution Award 2008 – Gill Raikes;


An introduction to AI for charity professionals by Ross Angus

· Gill Raikes (right) - Lifetime Contribution Award 2008 - photo: kmphotos.com


· Volunteer Fundraiser of the Year – Liam Fairhurst;

· Fundraising Team of the Year – South Yorkshire Community Foundation;

· Best Fundraising Charity to Work For – Save the Children;

· Best Up-and-Coming Fundraiser – Michelle Wright;

· Fundraiser of the Year – Michael Dent;

Michael Dent (centre), Fundraiser of the Year 2008 (right - Howard Lake) photo: kmphotos.com

· Best Business-Charity Partnership – Lloyds TSB Group’s ‘Near to You, Here for You’ Charity of the Year 2006 partnership with Breast Cancer Care (The Herts 10k Highly – Grove House and Levy Associates – Commended);

Best Business Charity Partnership - commended (with Chris Hollins, centre) photo: kmphotos.com

· Best Donor Development Campaign – Help The Aged – Raffles Product – An All Time High!

· Best Local/Regional Campaign – South Yorkshire Flood Disaster Relief Fund;

· Most Innovative Fundraising Campaign – Prostate Cancer ‘Give a Few Bob’;

· Best Use of Direct Mail – Art Fund ‘Save the Blue Rigi’;

· Best Use of E-Media – WSPA 2007 Programme of Acquisition and Development for Donors Recruited Online;

Winner - best use of e-media 2008, and Howard Lake (right) photo: kmphotos.com

· Best Use of Face-to-Face – VSO Home Fundraising Campaign 2007 (Door-to-Door);

· Best Use of Legacy Fundraising – National Trust legacy events programme 2007;

· Best Use of Payroll Giving -Woodland Trust Carbon Offset Payroll Giving

· Best Use of the Telephone – Breakthrough Breast Cancer telephone donor
recruitment from cold data.

Sponsored by DataForce Charities, with media partner ThirdSectorJobs.co.uk The National Awards 2008 were held on the first night of the Institute’s three-day National Convention (7-9 July 2008) – Europe’s largest convention for fundraisers.

For further information, visit



For further information please contact:

Joan Fisher Tel. 020 7840 1025 /

Institute of Fundraising email:


1. The Institute of Fundraising’s (www.institute-of-fundraising.org.uk
) mission is to support fundraisers, through leadership, representation, standards setting and education, to deliver excellent fundraising. Members are supported through training, networking, the dissemination of best practice and representation on issues that affect the fundraising environment. The Institute of Fundraising is the largest individual representative body in the voluntary sector with 4600 Individual members and 280 Organisational members

2. The National Convention (www.nationalconvention.org.uk
) is the Institute’s annual convention for fundraising. National Convention 2008 is held at the Hilton London Metropole, 225 Edgware Road, London W2 1JU, consisting of three full, non-residential days.

