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CAF launches online advent calendar focusing on donors

Howard Lake | 1 December 2007 | News

CAF (Charities Aid Foundation) online advent calendar starts today with the aim of promoting lesser-known causes and encouraging the public to support charities. Each day CAF will open a window on the calendar to reveal a donor and their favourite charity, explaining why they support them.

CAF invited subscribers to its My Charity email newsletter to appear in an online advent calendar, and had “an overwhelming response”. The chosen charities will be selected at random, and all those who nominate a charity will be entered into a prize draw to win a luxury Fairtrade Christmas hamper.

Head of Client Management for Individuals at CAF, Julie Gayler, said: “What CAF donors prove is that, no matter how much or how little you can give, regular, tax-efficient donations provide vital support for the work of charities.”


