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35% of Britons will give less to charity next year, says survey

An online poll of over 1,000 people conducted by charitable giving shopping website found that 35% of them said they would donate less to charity in the coming year, with only three per cent saying they would give more.
The poll suggested that some charities would do well this year but that next year a “giving gap” might develop.’s survey found that 45% of people put children’s charities at the top of their festive giving list, followed by charities for homeless people, and then animals and disability charities.
The survey found that women were more generous, with 61% giving regularly compared to 54% of men.
Women living in the West Midlands are the most likely to give their cash to charity, alongside men in Northern Ireland. Men and women in Wales were the least likely to donate.
“What is most worrying for charities is that people are planning to donate less next year,” said Nathan Branch, founder of He added that charities needed to look at innovative ways to raise funds, and suggested that was one way to do so.
The site already raises funds for large charities such as Save The Children, Shelter, RSPB and Mencap.

