Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

URLs – the long and the short of it

The Institute of Fundraising has just launched its redeveloped website to its members, prior to its formal launch at the Institute’s national convention next week.
One teething problem has already been encountered. The website can generate some very long URLs. These are fine as a clickable link within a webpage, but not very easy to reproduce in full in, for example, an email or printed newsletter.
Voluntary sector legal and governance trainer Sandy Adirondack experienced just this problem when trying to link to the Institute of Fundraising’s face-to-face fundraising code in her regular legal update email. She got round it by using the redirect service, but pointed out that “the full URL is an amazing ONE HUNDRED AND THREE characters. You can see why I changed it to a tinyurl.”
At the risk of distorting our page layout here is the URL for the Face to Face Fundraising code in all its glory:

