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Collected resources from National Convention 2010

We do face to face. Do you? Stall sign at IoF's 2010 Fundraising Convention in London. Photo: Howard Lake
We do face to face. Do you? Stall sign at IoF’s 2010 Fundraising Convention in London. Photo: Howard Lake

This year’s National Convention has once again proved a very valuable event for many fundraisers and those who work with them. Some outstanding sessions and lots of opportunities to network and meet up with friends old and new. It has also seen a considerable growth in the use of social media to share resources, lessons learned and views on the speakers and issues they presented.

Twitter, blogs, Flickr, and YouTube have all been used by delegates, many of them using smartphones. Indeed, the volume of material shared is so considerable that it’s fair to say, social media is now a given at this key event in the fundraising calendar. This change has of course come about very quickly: it was only two years ago in 2008 that Jonathan Wadding (@jon_bedford) and I (@howardlake) were the two lone Twitterers at the National Convention, showing how it could be used as a backchannel and method of sharing conference material to the wider fundraising sector.

So, here is my effort at pulling together some of the resources produced and shared at this year’s National Convention. I’ll update it no doubt when I find more, but do add any more links or material that I’ve missed, using the comments section below.


Blogs and live blogs

UK Fundraising’s front page, for the third year running, has featured a daily live blog from the Convention. This aggregated the comments, twitter messages, photos, videos and audio reports produced by dozens of delegates, and just as importantly, many fundraisers taking part from around the world who could not attend the Convention in London itself.

Day 1: 5 July 2010
Day 2: 6 July 2010
Day 3: 7 July 2010

Sylwia Presley at Voice is blogging every day from the event:

Day 1: 5 July 2010
Day 2: 6 July 2010
Day 3: 7 July 2010

She added a postscript item that features the Avon breast cancer event video that Dan Pallotta screened during his morning plenary, commenting “I think it is a perfect example of potentially highly successful fundraising content one can place and position on-line”:

One thought on social media for fundraising

Jon Waddingham at Justgiving has published Digital insight from the #iofnc (IoF National Convention), a list of all of the digital track presentations that have been shared via Slideshare, all of them embedded in the post, with a short summary on each one.

Jon includes a nod to the attractive Spell with Flickr tool which lets you create images like this:

N a58 T I letter O IMG_5555_2 letter A Gothic Capital Letter L (Washington, DC) letter C IMG_5569_4 letter N alphabet series - v letter E letter N T Boggle black letter I O IMG_5642_3


Most of the dynamic coverage of the Convention is happening on Twitter. Apart from UK Fundraising’s live blog, which features almost all the tweets from or about the Convention (plus more content), you can follow the discussions at #iofnc on Twitter.

Here are just a few recent examples:

A few days before the Convention I started gathering a list of those who were Twittering about the Convention, who said that they would do so at event, or whom I simply noticed using Twitter during the Convention. It’s certainly not comprehensive, but it might be useful.

Audio interviews

[These interviews using are no longer available].


Institute of Fundraising National Convention 2010

Video interviews and reports

Here’s the video that Dan Pallotta showed during his plenary session on Tuesday. Thank you to Sylwia @nfpvoice for finding the link:

Here’s a 3d video wall (using @cooliris) of all the videos I’ve published so far from the #iofnc:

[No longer available from].

Speaker presentations


The Institute of Fundraising’s Convention website included a suite of aggregated content in the run-up to and during the Convention.

Blackbaud had sponsored this facility to demonstrate the opportunities available through its Netcommunity tool.

If that’s not enough and you’re around the IoF Convention at the end of today, there’s a social nfptweetup, where you can meet with fundraisers with an interest in using social media tools. It takes place in the bar, so expect friendly, helpful chat rather than presentations. You’ll need to register (for free).

