Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

AFP sets up assistance blog for nonprofits hit by Hurricane Katrina

Howard Lake | 6 December 2006 | News

7 Sep 2005

I sent out a message to all AFP members on September 2, letting them know what the organization was doing in response to Hurricane Katrina. I have received hundreds of emails from concerned members in support of their colleagues.

As a result we are setting up a Web log (blog) as another communications tool to connect AFP members with those members in the affected areas. You can reach the blog at


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

We’ve sent out a personal email to our 180 members in the areas most affected by Hurricane Katrina, asking them to share their professional needs with us. As we hear from these members, we’ll compile and share their needs with everyone else through this blog and also ask them to participate directly if possible. In the meantime if you have information about members in the affected areas and are authorized to share that information, please post that on the blog as well. We’ve been getting inquiries about specific AFP members from their colleagues, and we’d like to report on everyone’s well being.

I have received emails from AFP members who wanted to help – some had office space to donate to affected nonprofits, while others had job openings they wished to share with affected fundraising professionals. We intend to establish a clearinghouse for that type of assistance and this blog is part of that process.

I have also been in touch with several executive recruiting firms that have agreed to donate their expertise in offering career counseling, resume review and relocation advice to AFP members in the affected areas.

If you have a comment to make on one of the existing topics, please click on the comment button below that posting. This blog is meant to be a member resource. We are not going to monitor the blog for content, as we trust all blog users will be respectful and thoughtful in their comments.

We hope this blog will be useful, and if there are changes that can be made to improve it, please let us know. We will do what we can to help, as we feel that AFP’s role in times like these is to continue to provide support through information and the sharing of resources.

I want to thank everyone for their kind words of support and concern during this time. I hope together we can continue to do the important work of all our organizations while being mindful of the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina.

Thank you, everyone, for pulling together!


Paulette Maehara, CFRE, CAE

President and CEO

Association of Fundraising Professionals

