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Workshop for Scottish charities in promoting payroll giving

Howard Lake | 6 January 2006 | News

Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) is running a one day workshop for charities in Scotland to help them promote payroll giving to companies.

Payroll giving in Scotland still has plenty of potential. A study by CAF and The Royal Bank of Scotland showed that households in Scotland donate an average of £2 a week through the payroll, compared to almost £4 a week in London.

CAF’s workshop will be held on 23 January 2006 at The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations’ offices, The Mansfield Traquair Centre, Edinburgh. It is aimed at fundraisers already familiar with payroll giving. It will offer advice on how to research and target the right companies and how to prepare promotions and secure support from employees.


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Panikos Efthimiou, Training Manager at CAF, said: “With the Government offering free money to small and medium-sized enterprises with its SME grant scheme, there has never been a better time for promoting payroll giving.”

“Give As You Earn – Getting into Companies” costs £100 including lunch.

