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Manchester charity receives grant to boost volunteer numbers

Howard Lake | 10 January 2005 | News

Manchester-based charity Henshaws Society for Blind People is to receive a grant of £55,284 from the Home Office’s £4 million Volunteer Recruitment Fund to help it recruit more volunteers.

The is designed to enable Henshaws to recruit a further 46 volunteers over the next two years under its ‘Access to Volunteers’ project.

It will build upon the charity’s existing volunteer work which promotes the social inclusion of blind and partially sighted people in Greater Manchester.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

The grant comes at the beginning of
Year of the Volunteer 2005, an initiative owned by volunteers, and led by a partnership between Community Service Volunteers (CSV) and the Volunteering England Consortium, and supported by the Home Office.

