The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Institute of Fundraising offers job service with CharityJOB

Institute of Fundraising logo

The Institute of Fundraising has partnered with online recruitment site to feature fundraising vacancies online and via e-mail.

As a result of the partnership charities can now advertise fundraising vacancies, of all levels, on both the Institute and CharityJOB Websites, with details e-mailed to subscribers on the databases of both organisations, for a set fee of £95 per vacancy.

Lindsay Boswell, Chief Executive at the Institute of Fundraising, said: “This partnership will mean added value for all fundraising professionals visiting our site and to our members. For charities, it is a simple, concerted effort to reduce the recruitment costs facing charities today.”


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In this commercial partnership the Institute of Fundraising will receive £25 from each vacancy advertised through the scheme.

The partnership follows the launch of Careerbank, the personal development tool for fundraisers created by the Institute.

The Institute has increasingly embraced such partnerships to support its various activities, effectively out-sourcing some of the non-core services. It closed its membership magazine Update in return for its own page in Third Sector magazine. It also stopped running its own training programme by integrating it with that of the Directory of Social Change.

This is the Institute’s third partnership in the commercial recruitment arena. It already endorses the recruitment advertising pages of Third Sector magazine, and also supports the fundraising section of The Guardian’s Jobmatch service.

