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New editions of DSC's local trust directories

The Directory of Social Change is publishing new editions of its guides to local grant-making trusts.

The new editions will be available at this week’s Charityfair event in London, but they are also available for sale in the UK Fundraising Bookshop where you can buy them from Directory of Social Change or

The new editions cover local trusts in Greater London, the Midlands, the North of England and the South of England. The DSC is promoting them together with a new edition of its Guide to Scottish Trusts and its new title The Welsh Funding Guide. UK Fundraising has already featured the latter two, and they too are available in the UK Fundraising Bookshop.


An introduction to AI, for charity professionals, presented by Ross Angus.

The new titles cost £18.95 plus p&p.

The titles appear on the latest additions section of the UK Fundraising Bookshop.

