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World Vision withdraws Great Gifts online affiliate programme

Howard Lake | 24 January 2004 | News

World Vision has suspended its online affiliate programme that it used to promote its Great Gifts online catalogue.

The affiliate programme enabled World Vision to secure banner adverts for its Great Gifts catalogue on thousands of Web sites, in return for paying a percentage of income generated. The system was managed by dealgroupmedia’s ukaffilites.com.

The programme, begun in December 2002, is currently suspended so affiliates will not earn any further income. It will be terminated on 23 February 2004.


An introduction to AI for charity professionals by Ross Angus

World Vision was one of four UK charities that has trialled online affiliate marketing. A charity spokesperson commented that, as the charity reviewed its income and expenditure, it currently believed “that this is not a best use of our expenditure at this time of year.” However, it was expected that the programme would be relaunched in September to December 2004.

