Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Ken Burnett becomes chairman of The Cascaid Group

The internationally respected fundraiser Ken Burnett is the new chairman of the Cascaid Group.

Since early 2003 Burnett had been involved with Cascaid on a part-time basis as a special adviser. As author of “Relationship Fundraising”, former chairman of the Burnett Associates Group and a member of several non-profit boards, Burnett is one of the most influential figures in fundraising.

The move comes as Burnett steps down after five years as chairman of trustees of the international development charity ActionAid. He is succeeded there by Dr Noerine Kaleeba from Uganda, a renowned HIV/AIDS specialist working with UNAIDS Geneva.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

The Cascaid Group consists of Cascaid Marketing and Cascaid Consulting, both companies providing services directly and exclusively to the voluntary sector.

In addition to providing close support for MD Alan Clayton, Burnett’s expanded role will be to build and lead the board during Cascaid’s current development phase and to play a key role within the senior management team that Clayton has built over the past 12 months.

Clayton explained: “I consider Ken Burnett to be the greatest mind in the fundraising arena today. It is a real coup for Cascaid and our clients to have persuaded Ken to join us. The impact of his closer relationship will be felt immediately – throughout the group, our clients and the causes they represent.”

Ken Burnett said: “I’ve hugely enjoyed working with Cascaid this year, particularly in business development and in working with their diverse and interesting range of clients. Although I will continue to serve ActionAid on the board of the newly created ActionAid International, the fact that I’m stepping down as ActionAid chairman provides me with a great opportunity to get closer to Cascaid.”

