Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

Net helps fundraising consultant

Howard Lake | 26 June 1998 | News

In a recent interview with UK Fundraising, fundraising consultant Gerry Beldon confirmed that the Internet was proving very useful to him in his work. Beldon, recently elected to the ICFM North East executive committee, said “I am picking up a not inconsiderable amount of work via newsgroups and the Web.”

Although he has experienced one “time-waster”, he has made valuable contacts as a result of his listing on UK Fundraising and his postings to newsgroups. “I’m now up to my 5th enquiry as a result of my e-mail sig appearing in newsgroups”, he said.

E-mail has helped enhance his communication with clients. “Those who have the facility (and use it properly!) get quicker, more efficient and reliable service from me, and I can respond to new situations so much more quickly and comprehensively than any other way.” He referred to two contracts which were “completed in days rather than weeks or months, due entirely to the ability to e-mail drafts of brochures, funding proposals and so on backwards and forwards.”


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

Gerry Beldon Independent Fundraising is at


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