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Scottish Charity Register

Scottish Charity Register
I try to keep tabs on possible developments in various charity registers. Yes, I know – I should get out more. I find it particularly interesting to note that in future, the name and address of one of the charity trustee’s will be shown where a trustee’s address is given on the Scottish Charity Register (OSCR).
OSCR hopes that the enhanced Scottish Charity Register will be available around the end of 2011, although the changes are still in the early stages of development. OSCR will provide updates on the timescales in its eNewsletter – OSCR Reporter.
I think that the OSCR register is a useful resource. It is much more of a slog getting information on Scottish Trusts, but it is possible. The more that researchers and fundraisers tell them about how we would like to see the register improved, the more likely we are to see improvements implemented, even in these straitened times ….
Here’s hoping

Finbar Cullen


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