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Ireland's online donations for Haiti reach 5 million euros

Howard Lake | 29 January 2010 | News

Euro notes being fanned out from a purse. Photo: Pexels.com
Photo by cottonbro studio.

Payment services company Realex has reported that the number of online charity donations has soared as Irish people make donations to charities helping in Haiti.

In the days since the Haitian disaster, online donations valued in excess of €5 million have been made by charities that process payments with Realex Payments.

According to figures released by Realex Payments, in excess of 50,000 transactions have been processed in the two weeks since the tragedy.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.

Donations started to flood in as soon as news of the devastation caused by the earthquake emerged. The day after the earthquake struck, there was a significant increase in the volumes of payments processed for charities, with the volume of online donations increasing by over 1100% in just 24 hours.

SEE ALSO: Haiti appeals by Irish charities exceeded expectations (29 January 2011)

The normal average for daily online donations is €85,000, however this increased to €443,000 from the 13th January. The biggest donations were made 14th and 15th of January, when the average donation was in excess of €113. However, the volume of donations continues to remain high.

Realex Payments is Ireland’s largest payment service provider and supports over 125 charities who accept donations online.

