Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Book cover.

3 funds now open for applications

Melanie May | 20 September 2021 | News

A pile of notes and cash

Here are details of three funds currently open for applications: to spark fresh thinking in education, for Black and minoritised women disproportionately impacted by Covid-19, and for young offender employment projects.

Education charity opens £300,000 innovation fund

The Edge Innovation Fund (EIF) has opened for applications with £300,000 currently available.

A new grant fund designed to spark fresh thinking and innovation in education, the EIF will remain open until the end of 2021 or until the funds to grant are exhausted.


Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton. Buy now.

The fund will be refreshed on 1 January 2022 and will then re-open for applications. Details of the amount of funding available at that point will be announced on the Edge website.

Applications for grant funding can be made at any point and completed forms will be assessed for suitability at regular intervals during the lifetime of the fund.

All potential projects must meet the following criteria. The project must:

Support making education relevant – empowering young people to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviour needed for success as adults, workers, and citizens to play a role in society and address challenging global issues; supporting employers to feel that young people have the qualities they are looking for in a changing economy.

At least 20% of the total project costs must also be match funded.

Edge’s Director of Projects and Partnerships, Jane Samuels, commented: 

“This is an exciting opportunity for schools, colleges and other educational and not-for-profit institutions to secure significant funding towards projects and initiatives which can deliver real impact in their area, equipping young people with skills for 21st century jobs and boosting local economies.”

Funding available for Black and minoritised women’s organisations

Grants of £10,000 are available to voluntary and community organisations led by and for Black and minoritised women that have been disproportionately impacted by Covid-19.

The funding, from the Women’s Resource Centre, is to support core costs and enable continued service delivery in England, and the deadline for applications is 3pm on 1 October.

To be eligible for a grant, an organisation must:

Eligible core costs and activities include: salaries, rent, utility bills, IT costs, insurance, training, freeing senior staff time to work on strategic developments, developing new programmes and services in response to changing context of Covid-19, and governance activities and fundraising support.

Funding available to support young offender employment projects

Grants are available for UK projects working to help young people with criminal convictions to find meaningful and secure employment.

The funding is available through the Triangle Trust. To be eligible, projects must:

The grants provide funds towards specific outcomes and targets related to securing meaningful employment for young people with criminal convictions. The Triangle Trust is looking for applications where existing work with young people who have been in the criminal justice system is already taking place and can evidence a track record of helping them to achieve positive outcomes. It might already provide employment support or want to add this focus to the current support offered to young people. The Trust will consider applications from criminal justice specialists as well as youth organisations who already work with young offenders and want to target support to this specific group.

The Trust is particularly keen to receive applications from organisations working with young people who are over represented in the criminal justice system such as looked after young people, young women and those from Black and Minority Ethnic communities. Grants are available from £10,000 up to £60,000 for a duration of up to two years.

Registered charities, not-for-profit social enterprises and community interest companies that are working within the UK and have a UK office are eligible to apply. Applying organisations must have an income of less than £1 million over the past three years.

The deadline for applications is noon on 26 October.

