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Restaurant teams up with diabetes charity to develop special menu

Melanie May | 22 September 2017 | News

Smith & Wollensky restaurant and type one diabetes charity JDRF have teamed up to make it easier for diners with the condition to eat out.
Smith & Wollensky has worked with JDRF to create a special version of its lunch and dinner menu for its London restaurant that displays the carbohydrate content, in grams, of each dish.
Dean Benton, JDRF’s Director of Fundraising said:

“Calculating the carbohydrate content of each meal is a vital and demanding part of daily life with type 1 diabetes. Those with the condition must inject insulin every day but it’s not just a simple case of injecting the same amount each time. When someone with type 1 diabetes eats any food with carbs, they must inject exactly the right amount of insulin to fit the amount of carbs in that particular meal.
“Special carb-counted menus mean people with type 1 diabetes can spend a little less time managing their demanding condition, and more time enjoying their meal.”

Smith & Wollensky is also donating a proportion of the proceeds from its Seared Chilli & Garlic Shrimp dish to the charity, to help support research into the condition.


Why your supporters are wealthier than you think... Course by Catherine Miles. Background photo of two sides of a terraced street of houses.


