The Guide to Major Trusts 2025-26. DSC (Directory of Social Change)

Save the Children launches Congo appeal

Howard Lake | 12 March 2007 | News

Save the Children has appointed TDA to create a restricted income direct marketing campaign to raise funds for work with children in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

The emotive campaign will target warm supporters, asking for an extra gift to help children caught in the middle of a humanitarian crisis caused by the five-year long civil war in the country. The charity says that, without funding, the project will not be able to go ahead: the creative takes a hard-line approach to communicate the urgency of the situation.

Clare Bickerdike, Financial Product Manager at Save the Children, said: “TDA has devised an engaging and compelling campaign that is simple but passionate with a clear reason for giving. The aim is to educate donors about the acute crisis whilst demonstrating how Save the Children can improve the quality of life for children in the country.”


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“This is a restricted income appeal for a specific project in the Democratic Republic of Congo, said Sarah Don-Bramah, Account Director at TDA. “The tight parameters have enabled us to create a strong, highly focused campaign. The creative treads a fine line to ensure that it communicates the harsh realities of the situation whilst showing how each and every contribution will make a valuable difference to children who have experienced the very worst that life has to offer.”

