National Irish opens Community Grants programme

Howard Lake | 10 September 2006 | News

National Irish Bank has announced the launch of its new Community Grants programme, replicating a similar scheme launched by its sister bank, the Northern, in Northern Ireland. The new programme will offer ‚€100,000 annually to initiatives and projects that benefit communities throughout the country.

The Community Grants programme aims to benefit as many people as possible and primarily, to promote participation in local Sport, Culture and Knowledge.
National Irish Bank will be giving ‚€20,000 in each of its five regions to voluntary projects and organisations. Closing date for applicatons is 29th September and grants will be allocated in November.

Organisations may apply for a grant of ‚€500 to ‚€5,000 and requests for grants in the each region will be reviewed by a steering panel supported by the Regional General Manager and composed of external experts from the three sponsorship categories of Sport, Culture and Knowledge.


National Irish Bank’s Regional General Managers across the country will use their own local knowledge, and that of their branch managers, to select & invite appropriate members of the community to the steering panel. The panel will then assess each application and will award the funding to the successful projects.

Application forms and brochures with full details of the National Irish Bank Community Grants is available in all National Irish Bank branches and may also be downloaded from the National Irish Bank website:

