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Source of "great unhappiness" donated to charity

Howard Lake | 1 June 1999 | News

A millionairess has left £1.3 million to the church and children’s charities rather than bequeathe it to her five children because it would bring them only “great unhappiness.” Hilda Robinson set up the successful radio and TV rental company Rediffusion.

A millionairess has left £1.3 million to the church and children’s charities rather than bequeathe it to her five children because it would bring them only “great unhappiness.” Hilda Robinson set up the successful radio and TV rental company Rediffusion. Most of the bequest will be given to the Methodist Missionary Society and National Children’s Homes. Her 32 grandchildren and great-grandchildren will each receive a token £5,000.

Now, how can legacy fundraisers spread the message that leaving bequests to one’s family will only cause heartache, whereas charities are a far more level-headed recipient of large sums of cash?


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