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UK Fundraising chosen by BBC Education

Howard Lake | 29 January 1999 | News

UK Fundraising has been chosen for inclusion in the BBC Education Web Guide. “The Education Web Guide team were particularly impressed by the quality and educational content of your site,” said Tanya Piejus Online Editorial Assistant at the BBC Education Web Guide.

UK Fundraising has been chosen for inclusion in the BBC Education Web Guide. “The Education Web Guide team were particularly impressed by the quality and educational content of your site,” said Tanya Piejus Online Editorial Assistant at the BBC Education Web Guide.

The BBC Education Web Guide brings you the newest and best websites for learning at home, at school and at college and university. The sites included in the BBC Education Web Guide have been hand-picked by a team of subject specialists and scrutinised for educational rigour by experts at BBC Education. The Guide provides a one-stop shop for the best educational resources on the internet and is the focal point for all of the BBC’s educational resources.


Fundraising AI Global Summit. Register free.

