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Cash seized from criminals now available to charities to support public safety

Howard Lake | 6 February 2025 | News

Orange and white lifebouy on water. Image: Unsplash

Charities and community groups can now apply for grants to support projects aimed at improving public safety and which benefit the private security industry.

The money has been confiscated by the Security Industry Authority from criminals through proceeds of crime confiscation orders and is now available to charities to bid for.

Last year the SIA gave over £72,000 to support seven initiatives across several charities and community groups including Employment 4 All, Diverse FM, and Glasgow Street Aid among others.


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The SIA helped fund projects including human trafficking awareness workshops, employment and training opportunities for disadvantaged groups and training for volunteers in emergency first response care.

Applications are open until 21 February 2025. Eligible organisations must show how a grant will benefit the UK private security industry and/or support public safety.

