‘More than a shop’ campaign highlights value of charity shops

The Charity Retail Association’s More than a shop campaign is running across social media this week, between 22 and 29 April, to highlight the many benefits of charity shops.
The association says that the campaign is to celebrate and raise attention to the fact that a charity shop is not just about the shopping experience but has charitable, social and reuse functions that no other form of retail shares.
Charities are encouraged to join in with shareable assets available that share the many roles charity shops fulfil, which can be used across social channels.
The campaign highlights that charity shops are a source of £75.3 billion of social value a year – a figure from the Charity Retail Association’s 2022 The value of giving back – the social return of charity shops report.

It also draws attention to charity shops as:
- Reuse experts – reducing the volume of items thrown away each year.
- Community – at the heart of their communities, bringing people together.
- Fund-raisers – raising more than £300mn a year.
- The face of great causes – a visible, recognisable reminder of charities and their causes.
- High street champions – bringing people to the area, helping to boost footfall for nearby businesses, and being flexible enough to ‘pop-up’ where needed, such as in empty units.
- Inclusion advocates – providing a place for people with different background to come together, to shop and socialise.
- Retail upskillers – providing opportunities for learning new skills, such as using the till, visual merchandising, customer service, health and safety, maintaining a shop floor, and social media skills.
- Sustainable fashion pioneers – providing shoppers with preloved clothing, accessories and home decor.
- Affordable home starters – a source of sustainable and affordable furniture and homewares.
Assets can be found here.