Economic & social progress in UK dependent on sectors working together, Commission concludes

Melanie May | 26 January 2023 | News

Law Family Commission on Civil Society final report cover detail

Economic growth and social progress in the UK is dependent on the public, private and social sectors “firing on all cylinders and working effectively together”, the Law Family Commission on Civil Society’s final report concludes.

The two-year commission exploring the potential of civil society in the UK has called for bold action on the sector by government, businesses and funders to help fuel national recovery and growth.

Its final report, Unleashing the power of civil society, outlines a raft of proposals focused on boosting collaboration between businesses, policymakers and civil society. It notes: “It is clear that civil society is integral to achieving both economic and social progress, and it already makes enormous contributions to both. But it is also evident that it could achieve even more.”


Highlighting that no UK government had “committed to real partnership with civil society” since former prime minister David Cameron set out his ambition for a ‘Big Society’, Chair of the Commission, Lord Gus O’Donnell commented:

“Successive governments have neglected charities for too long, and our country is the worse for it. That must change in order to achieve the national renewal and better future that the UK desperately needs, because charities are a key part of the solution to every challenge we face. Whether it is making our communities safer, greener, healthier, more prosperous or more equal, charities must be at the decision-making table and operating at their optimum level if we are truly to achieve the change we need.


“Yet it has been more than a decade since David Cameron set out his ambition for a ‘Big Society’, and longer since a UK government committed to real partnership with civil society. In that time, no UK political party has set out and stuck to a real vision for civil society. This failure of vision is also a failure to understand the reality of how vital this sector has become. As both the cost of living crisis and the pandemic have shown, charities and community groups make the difference between people eating or missing meals, being heard or left voiceless, and feeling alone or well-supported.”

The Commission, which launched back in 2020 and was created by Pro Bono Economics, has set out 26 recommendations around six key themes:

Lord O’Donnell added:

“The charity sector faces real challenges in meeting the demands that are now placed upon it. There are fewer people giving regularly to charity, including the growing pool of highest earners who are earning more but giving less. Formal volunteering has stagnated. And the way that the funding system for charities works has left holes in charitable provision in some of the places that need it most, as well as disincentivising investment in skills, digital and the infrastructure that allows charities to have the greatest possible impact with the limited resources that they possess.


“The Law Family Commission on Civil Society is now calling on funders and governments to invest strategically in the productivity of the charity sector, the data available to and about it, and in the changes needed to unlock greater giving. There is money available for this, not least in the £380mn of Gift Aid which goes unclaimed each year. Alongside this investment, there must be a dramatic acceleration in the partnership between civil society and business and a reset of the relationship between civil society and government. With this investment, acceleration and partnership, civil society’s full potential can be unleashed. Without it, the UK simply cannot hope to recover and grow from the economic and social crises of the past decade and more.”

