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Entries to €250k photo competition raise funds for children’s charity

Howard Lake | 1 June 2022 | News

CEWE Photo Award promotion -
Photo: Udayan Sankar Pal

The “largest free to enter contest of its kind in the world” is accepting entries, and will make a donation to SOS Children’s Villages Worldwide for each entry received.

The CEWE Photo Award 2023 is offering over €250,000 of prizes. It is free to enter and open to anyone aged 18 or over.

It is designed not only to connect photo enthusiasts across the globe but also “to showcase and celebrate Earth’s beauty”. As such charity supporters or staff might well be interested in entering their photographic creations.


Great Fundraising Organizations book - available now

SEE ALSO: How to take better photographs while under lockdown (1 June 2020)

Most of the contest’s 10 award categories do speak to many charities’ areas of work and impact, such as:

CEWE will donate 10 Euro cents to SOS Children’s Villages Worldwide for each photo entered. This partnership has been in place since 2013.

Entries to the CEWE Photo Award 2023 close in 12 months on 31 May 2023. You can submit up to 100 images.

Fundraising and photography

