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Proposals invited for IFC Online workshops & IFC Summit masterclasses

Melanie May | 11 June 2021 | News

Microphone. Photo:

The Resource Alliance has put out a call for proposals for both IFC Online workshop submissions and IFC Summit 2021 masterclasses.

The deadline for both is 21 June.

With the masterclass sessions, people must be willing to go to the Netherlands and deliver them in person, during 20-22 October this year. The Resource Alliance is looking for long-form, deep-dive session designed to stretch participants’ thinking and presented over six hours over the two days.


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For IFC Online workshop sessions – also October – it is looking for short-form sessions delivered virtually, featuring cutting-edge ideas and the latest innovations, or fresh takes on the basics.

The theme of both IFC Online 2021 and IFC Summit 2021 is Reset. Refreshed. Refined, so when reviewing submissions, the Content Team will want to see proposals that include an element of looking forward to what the next big thing is. With the Summit in particular, the Resource Alliance is looking for sessions that address the following: leadership through crisis / managing change, digital transformation, Gen Z fundraising / future proofing, and new business models.

The proposal form for IFC Online is here, and the form for the Summit is here.

