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Crowdfunder to pass on 100% of funds raised in the Captain Tom 100 Challenge

Captain Tom 100

Every penny donated via rewards-based crowdfunding platform Crowdfunder to the Captain Tom 100 challenge this weekend will be donated to charity. The rewards-based platform will not pass on platform or transaction fees to any charity that benefits from donations via the campaign.

The Captain Tom 100 invites people all over the world to raise funds for their favourite charity over the weekend of Friday 30 April to Bank Holiday Monday on 3 May. This marks what would have been Captain Tom Moore’s 101st birthday.

Duncan Parker, Crowdfunder’s Charity and Philanthropy Director, said:


“Crowdfunder is delighted to be supporting the Captain Tom 100 challenge and to help ensure that Tom’s message of hope lives on. Captain Tom gave 100% in his life and we echo that sentiment on Crowdfunder by giving 100% of funds raised to charity, so we don’t charge a platform or transaction fees. Anyone fundraising or donating via our site can do so, safe in the knowledge that ‘Crowdfunder gives 100%’.”

The campaign invites people to take on a challenge based around the number 100. Like the 2.6 Challenge of last year this is designed both to offer a challenge but also complete flexibility in what individuals might wish to undertake.

The challenge could be walking 100 steps or running 100 metres, scoring 100 goals, baking 100 cakes, climbing 100 stairs, hopping 100 laps of the garden, building 100 sandcastles, writing a 100-word poem, flipping 100 pancakes – anything at all, inside or out. 

Other platforms of course are supporting the Captain Tom 100, including JustGiving and Virgin Money Giving.


Captain Tom 100

