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Legacy Foresight invites charities to join new research project

Melanie May | 23 July 2020 | News

Legacy Foresight is inviting charities to join its next In-memory Insight research project: Adapting to the in-memory landscape after the pandemic. 
The emphasis will be on the impact on the in-memory giving landscape over the next one to three years, on providing practical ideas about what to do next, and looking at the challenges and opportunities charities will face.
The programme will start in autumn 2020, and will:

Since the In-Memory Insight programme started ten years ago, over eighty charities and hospices have taken part.
Tish Ley, In-Memory Engagement Manager at Guide Dogs, said:

“Since Guide Dogs became a member of In-Memory Insight, our annual in-memory income has almost doubled. This is a direct result of implementing a new strategy and supporter journey, building on the lessons the research provided.”
“In-Memory Insight provides a strong foundation for in-memory giving for all charities. It is a catalyst for larger charities to commit time and space to grow giving. Fundraisers at smaller charities can take away simple ideas, implement them and have an immediate impact.”


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Anyone interested in finding out more is invited to get in touch with Caroline Waters, and the research proposal can also be downloaded from Legacy Foresight’s website.


