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£6m for homelessness charities directly affected by coronavirus

Melanie May | 18 May 2020 | News

A £6m fund has launched to provide emergency grants to homelessness charities directly affected by the coronavirus.
The COVID-19 Homelessness Response Fund launched on 14 May to provide £6 million of emergency funding from The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), which will be distributed to frontline services by Homeless Link.
The Fund aims to provide financial assistance to local homelessness organisations, with Homeless Link to offer grants to frontline organisations where more than half of beneficiaries are people experiencing homelessness. Applicants must have an annual turnover of less than £5 million.
The deadline for grant applications is next week: Wednesday 27 May. Awards must be spent by 31 March 2021.
Homelessness Minister Luke Hall said:

“Protecting the most vulnerable people in society during these unprecedented times remains our absolute priority. That’s why we’re giving frontline homelessness charities an extra £6m during this national emergency. They are working tirelessly to support those without a home all over the country and this funding will help them protect people when they need it most.”

Rick Henderson, Chief Executive of Homeless Link, commented:


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“We are pleased to be managing this Fund on behalf of the Government to ensure that critical emergency finances reach the frontline charities that need it the most. Services have been working incredibly hard, in innovative ways and under difficult circumstances. This fund will enable charities to continue their vital work in supporting people experiencing homelessness through this pandemic and beyond.”


