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Funraisin & massive create Us & Us Collective to offer free charity support during coronavirus

Melanie May | 30 March 2020 | News

Funraisin and massive have teamed up to offer free support to the charity sector during the Covid-19 crisis.

Combining Funraisin’s experience in creating fundraising platforms for charities, and massive’s in mass participation events and campaigns, the two have committed to a Covid-19 alliance and co-operative to offer free, simple, practical support and deployment across technology, strategy, data and comms for as many charities as possible.

The alliance aims to help charities manage coping and adapting during the Covid-19 crisis and also thinking ahead to when the markets begin to rebound.


An introduction to AI, for charity professionals, presented by Ross Angus.

Funraisin has seen an influx of charities looking to add new campaigns using the free lite-stack offer, and to meet the increasing demand for further support, massive will offer two hours of free consultancy to help charities build the right campaign to engage their supporters.

The Us & Us Collective is offering a Covid-19 Support Breakfast webinar at 9.15 on Wednesday 1 April to help charities discuss their next moves and develop their approach to their fundraising in the new normal.

Charities can register here:

Keith Williams, COO at Funraisin said:

“We have to tackle an immediate emergency across many charities and the sector to be able to cope with adapting at such pace, and be able to still bring immediate income with the lowest effort. We have no time to waste. We want to help charities quickly formulate the right campaigns for them, and be able to launch effectively.

“This moment will likely be the definitive trigger where true digital change will happen, we will see new emerging giving behaviours and we all need to help charities be ready for this. When markets begin to rebound, and we believe they will, we must anticipate it will be in a way that may be different from how we operated before COVID-19. For this reason, we are bringing together a co-operative to help as many charities keep raising vital funds.”

John Tasker, Partner at massive said:

“Every charity we speak to has been impacted by the current situation. It’s unprecedented. While we know things will recover for physical events, there’s a pressing need for charities to offer alternative fundraising activities, so their supporters can fundraise for them now. We’re mobilising our entire team to support charities to get creative and keep supporters engaged and fundraising through great events and campaign ideas.”


